A Mom-to-Bee Baby Shower

Here's the front of the invite...
Well my first born child, my beautiful daughter Lara, is soon to give birth to her first child. Last month I hosted a baby shower for her which included a total of 40 family members and friends. The first thing I did was go to Vistaprint to look for the shower invites. The title "Mom-to-Bee" caught my eye and that was it. It was a fun theme to work with as you'll see by the following photos. In fact, I had to stop myself from getting too carried away with it.
Here's the reverse side...notice the label about the raffle

The "raffle" idea is really great I have to say. The expectant mother will end up with loads of much needed diapers in all sizes! We gave out raffle tickets to the guests who brought a package of diapers and then later gave away about 10 prizes. I had so much fun planning and executing this shower and other cute ideas follow. In addition, I served "buzzed" and "non-buzzed" punch along with all of my daughter's favorite luncheon foods. As I write this, only 4 weeks to go as we welcome our new grandchild!

Decorations (bought these balloons online at the
More decorations
The mom-to-bee with the two grandmothers-to-bee.
My diaper cake creation
The gender of the baby-to-bee is undetermined so I 
strung boy & girl one-sies across my mantel.

My daughter's mother-in-law made these 
chocolate dipped pretzels.
We gave out these homemade bee cake pops 
as favors.
We asked the guests to sign this one-sie and then 
I framed it as a keepsake for my daughter. I bought 
fabric pens at the craft store for signing.
